< Swan Hellenic

Swan Hellenic Cancellation and Refund Policy

The per person, per cruise deposit required to secure your reservation is 10% of the total cruise cost. The balance of the price of your travel arrangements must be paid at least 121 days before your departure date. If the deposit and/or balance is not paid in time, Swan Hellenic shall retain your deposit. American Express, MasterCard, Visa, travel agency checks and personal checks are accepted for deposits and final payment. Passengers who do not make deposits or final payments at appropriate times may be subject to cancellation without notice.

Cancellation Policy

Days Prior to Departure Cancellation Charge Per Guest
Booking - 121 Days Loss of Deposit
120 - 91 Days 25% of cruise fare
90 - 61 Days 60% of cruise fare
60 - 0 Days No refund

Last Modified: 12/08/2014

Cancellation Policies are subject to change by the cruise line. For the most current Swan Hellenic and Refund Policies, please refer to the Swan Hellenic website or a Swan Hellenic brochure.

Link to Swan Hellenic cancellation policies:

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